Friday, January 29, 2010

Solutions and pH test

This week we took the test on Monday. This week we also learned how to balance equations. We used cubes to help make it more easier to balance. Today we turned in our reactions packet and got a new reactions 2 packet. M=mol/L. We also learned how to do titration and dilution equations.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

acids and bases lab

This week we did a lab on acids and bases and saw how each solution changed colors when we add the acids and bases to them. There were four stations and we switched stations after we were done with each part. We had two worksheets that we have to fill and turn in on Friday. Electrolytes are solutions that conduct electricity very well. The more ions form, the better the conductivity.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Make a solution lab

This week we did a lab mixing coblat chloride and water, but we need to add just enough water and let mr.olson analyse it with the spectronic-20 machine.
We also mixed out the volume of 0.0025M in a gradualted cylinder and mixed it with water. This week we also larn how to dilute a substance.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

like dissoves like

This week we worked in a packet and i learned about solute and solvent. And we turned in the packet with our worksheets that were due today. yesturday we did a short lab with a purple substance and we added water to each one to make it more clearer. Dissolving it having solute in a solution (solvent) in the process of going into solution.